Liturgical Ministries
The Liturgical Ministries of the Annunciation Church enables our people to participate in the fullness of the Liturgy by through reading, singing and service.
Altar Servers
Young men from 7 to 18 (and beyond) are welcome to serve at the Altar of God. In this ministry, they join with the Angels to give glory to God by their attentiveness and assistance to the priest.
A young man who is interested in serving at the Altar should contact Fr. Costin.
It is a great privilege to join with the Angels in singing the praises of God and leading Christ's Church in these hymns. Our choir has learned music from both the Greek and the Russian tradition to give a depth to our Divine Services. They lead the congregation in singing as well as sing the more demanding hymns. In accordance with ancient tradition, the choir sings without instrumental accompaniment. Read more...
If you would like to sing in the choir, please contact Fr. Costin.
There are many opportunities for lay people to assist in the Divine Services through the reading of Scripture. Besides the regular Epistle Reading every Sunday, there are also readings for special services, Vespers, the Liturgy of the Presanctified Gifts, the Salutations, etc. We are also looking for Readers to read the Orthros service on Sunday mornings (chanting responses is optional!).
If you would like to read at the Services, please contact Arthur Housianitis.
Chanting the responses and hymns at services such as Weekday Liturgies, Vespers, Paraklesis, Salutations, etc. is an important ministry, since all of our services are chanted to one degree or another.
If you would like to be a chanter, please contact Fr. Costin.
Myrrh-bearing Women
Every year during Holy Week, the young ladies of our Parish have the privilege of representing the Myrrh-bearing women who stood beneath our Lord's Cross, brought Him to the tomb, and were privileged to be the first witnesses of the Resurrection. All the young ladies of the Parish from 6 to 18 are welcome to serve in this capacity.
If a young lady of the Parish is interested in serving as a Myrrh-bearing Woman, please contact Melinda Patrick.
From the earliest days of the Church, the best way for the lay people to participate in the Divine Liturgy is to offer the bread and wine for the Eucharist. Our parishioners continue to make the Prosphora (Bread of Offering) each Sunday as a labor of love for Christ's Body. Parishioners also often offer the wine as well.
View Prosphora schedule...
If you would like to be put on the Prosphora Schedule, please contact Joanna Tsiantas.
News and Info
Weekly Sunday Bulletin - View parish weekly news, includes news and events.
Bi-Monthly Beacon - The Beacon -Shining Forth the Good News!
Orthodox Marketplace - The official online store of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America.
Send an Iconogram - Send a message to a loved one or a friend in celebration of a name day, feast day, or sacrament.
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