Minstries Introduction

Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church is a community of Christian believers – centered on worship of God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit.  We worship and work together to become more deeply invested in our faith. Our ministries are the many ways we join together to teach, learn, and grow; our ministries are how we share our beliefs and sustain ourselves as a parish.


Parish Council

In the Orthodox tradition, the priest is the leader of the parish assisted by a committee of lay leaders. These leaders are elected by parishioners to work collaboratively to promote the work of each ministry of the parish, to maintain our facilities, and to coordinate the efforts of the entire parish to ensure our financial needs and obligations are met. Read more...

Contact: Rick Brown betterway@gmail.com


The Future of Our Parish Committee

The Future of Our Parish Committee was launched on 18 January and plans to meet through the Spring General Assembly to develop a consensus vision and view of the future of our parish, that includes stewardship, ministries, outreach, finances, and an execution roadmap to achieve our goals. Read more...


Liturgical Ministries

At the heart of the Orthodox Parish is the Divine Liturgy. The whole Church participates in the worship of God. Certain roles need to be taken by members of the Body of Christ, such as serving at the Altar, reading the Scriptures, singing the divine praises and offering the bread and wine. Read more...


Greek Ladies Aid Society (GLAS)

GLAS is our philanthropic women’s organization made up of the multi-talented women of our parish. Their fund-raising efforts support a wide variety of charities and organizations (both Orthodox and community based.)  GLAS also supports our parish as a generous Steward with organization and support of numerous parish activities and events. Read more...


St. Basil's Ministries

St. Basil, an early Christian father, gave of his possessions to help those in need.  His example inspired this parish ministry.  We are currently offering a take-out lunch program every Monday from 11:30am to noon.  Pickup is at St. Basil's Hall at the church.  This is home cooked meal, made and packaged by volunteers.  St. Basil's Ministries also strives to support community endeavors such as programs for orphans, veteran's services and special projects like Operation Backpack for the start of the school year. Read more...


Educational Ministries

Our parish offers many opportunities to learn and grow in the Orthodox faith.  Youth Education programs for children from age 3 through the high school years include Sunday School and youth retreats. Adult Education programs include Bible Study, Orthodox Faith and Worship, Enquirers Class (for those interested in learning the basics of Orthodoxy), and Orthodoxy on Tap (monthly discussion seminar held at area restaurants).


Stewardship Ministry

Stewardship is the thread that unites us as a parish; as Orthodox Christians we are called upon to give our time, our talents and our treasure to nurture Christ’s church. This ministry team engages parishioners and assists them in the pursuit of personal growth within Christ’s Church. Read more...


Youth and Young Adult Ministries

Our parish youth ministry programs have 3 goals – to promote love for Christ and His Church, to encourage fellowship within the parish family and to create opportunities to participate in doing good works.  Youth groups meet on the last Sunday of each month during the school year during the coffee hour. Read more...

JOY – Junior Orthodox Youth is for children in grades 1-5

Jr. GOYA and GOYA – Greek Orthodox Youth of America are for middle and high school students


Social/Cultural Ministry

Exciting social and cultural events help bring the parish members closer together and enhances our presence in the greater Newburyport community. Read more...


Coffee Hour Ministry

Coffee hour is an important part of our communal life at church.  Since fasting is part of our spiritual discipline prior to liturgy, breaking the fast with one another after liturgy is a post celebration of the partaking in the divine gifts.  If you would like to host coffee hour for a certain event or otherwise, please contact Marianna Toumbourou or better yet, add your name to the sign-up board in the Pangari!



News and Info

Weekly Sunday Bulletin - View parish weekly news, includes news and events.


Bi-Monthly Beacon - The Beacon -Shining Forth the Good News!


Orthodox Marketplace - The official online store of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America.


Send an Iconogram - Send a message to a loved one or a friend in celebration of a name day, feast day, or sacrament.


Annunciation  Online "Like" our Facebook page to keep up on services, events and activities.


Orthodox Christian Network