Future of Our Parish Committee

Our next meeting will be held on February 15, 2025, 8:30am - 11:00 am in our conference room..  Please join us!  Please reach out to Zach Lemnios or Jim Sperelakis if you have thoughts you would like to share and stay tuned for more from this committee or send email to .


Corporate Sponsorship & Giving Tree Planning

The Greek Food Festival Business Sponsorship & 'Giving Tree' kick-off meeting was held on Sunday, Feb. 2, after Church led by Jim Sperelakis .  Discussion included planning  and execution of  our Festival corporate/business sponsorship program. Please reach-out to a GFF Exec team member, with your questions, suggestions, and if you have an interest or talent you believe will benefit the Festival.
GFF Exec team: Jim Sperelakis, Angela Tsopelas, Ed Connor


The Three Hierarchs and Greek Letters Celebrated in Boston

BOSTON. The feast of the Three Hierarchs and Greek Letters was celebrated on the afternoon of Sunday, January 26, 2025, by the Greek schools of the communities of the Metropolis of Boston at the community center of the Cathedral of the Annunciation.  Greek Schools offered a program, and we were represented by Vivian Asimellis.
Click here to read more.



Future of our parish committee

We have a new future of our parish committee ministry!  To learn more, navigate to MINISTRIES drop-down menu and choose FUTURE OF OUR PARISH COMMITTEE or  Click here to learn more...


Interfaith Choir Concert, November 17 2024 - Click here to watch video



E-Giving for Donations Made to AGOC

There is convenient way for you to give to our church online using your computer or smartphone.  You can easily make your Stewardship Payment(s), Memorial Offering, Ministry Donations, Fundraiser Donations, etc. in a safe and secure way.  Enjoy the convenience of making credit or debit card donations as a guest user or create an account to set up recurring donations and view your giving history. 

Click here to Donate Online.


Seminarian/Music Ministry:

    Congratulations to our 2023 Graduates!


"100 Years in the Kitchen" Cookbook - The Perfect Gift!!

Our parish members have shared their Greek recipes passed down through generations and more in this rare cookbook compiled for our 100th anniversary celebration.  The cookbook is available now for $20 and can be purchased at The Annunciation Church Candle Stand in the Narthex, Tina's European Fashions and Dance Place of Newburyport or by contacting Andrea Jones at  Surprise your loved ones with this special gift!!


Parish Communications 

We are using Listserv to send out weekly announcements like our Sunday bulletin and other items regarding church events.  If you would like to receive Listserv announcements, add your name and email address by notifying us at


Got Koliva? 

No time to make the traditional Koliva for the memorial service of a loved one?  

Melinda Patrick is available to make the Koliva at $125/tray. Please call Melinda at (617) 543-0824 or email to:   















News and Info

Weekly Sunday Bulletin - View parish weekly news, includes news and events.


Bi-Monthly Beacon - The Beacon -Shining Forth the Good News!


Orthodox Marketplace - The official online store of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America.


Send an Iconogram - Send a message to a loved one or a friend in celebration of a name day, feast day, or sacrament.


Annunciation  Online "Like" our Facebook page to keep up on services, events and activities.


Orthodox Christian Network