Youth Ministry



The Youth Program at the Annunciation Greek Orthodox Church is aimed at developing a deeper faith and strong friendships among the young people of the parish. Our young people are encouraged to take part in various philanthropic activities, such as helping at Lazarus House in Lawrence MA, collecting canned goods and warm clothes, providing Christmas gifts for needy children, etc. Our meetings are a combination of activities and serious discussion.


Youth Groups

JOY (Junior Orthodox Youth)

The JOY group includes our young people from 1st to 5th grades. The children enjoy getting together for activities and projects, as well as for outings and fun events.


Jr. GOYA (Junior Greek Orthodox Youth of America)

All young people of the parish from 6th to 8th grades are invited to join the Jr. GOYA.


GOYA (Greek Orthodox Youth of America)

All of our young people from 9th to 12th grade are invited to participate in the Sr. GOYA.

The Sr. GOYA has a couple of special projects. Every Christmas they adopt a family and go shopping for Christmas presents. In February and March they spend a couple Sunday afternoons on the soup truck for Lazarus House in Lawrence MA. They also take part in the annual "Hike for Hope" to help support the good work done by Lazarus House. 


College Connection

When our young people set out into the world, mostly for the first time in their lives, and go on to college, the Annunciation Parish Family wants to remain a part of their lives. Under the auspices of the Evangelism Team, our college students receive messages and periodical "care packages" to help strengthen that bond and keep them aware of the love and concern the family 'back home" has for them.


Church Summer Camp

Every summer before school starts, the youth of our parish gathers for a day summer camp. The mysteries of the Faith are taught through games, crafts and various activities. 

News and Info

Weekly Sunday Bulletin - View parish weekly news, includes news and events.


Bi-Monthly Beacon - The Beacon -Shining Forth the Good News!


Orthodox Marketplace - The official online store of the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America.


Send an Iconogram - Send a message to a loved one or a friend in celebration of a name day, feast day, or sacrament.


Annunciation  Online "Like" our Facebook page to keep up on services, events and activities.


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