Tastes of Orthodoxy - Friday, March 10, 2023

This event was the second in a series of five evenings presenting Orthodox worship from the perspective of the five senses.

Conference and discussion by Fr. Philip Zymaris

Watch recording here.

Reverend Father Philip Zymaris, ThD.

Originally from New York, Father Zymaris completed his BA at Hellenic College (1988) and his MDiv at Holy Cross Greek Orthodox School of Theology (1991). He then went to Thessaloniki to continue his studies at the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, from which he obtained his ThD (2000). He was ordained and affiliated with the Patriarchal Institute for Patristic Studies and was involved in the preparation and administration of the theological symposia held there every autumn from 1996 on, in the context of the “Demetria” celebrations in Thessaloniki. 

Father Zymaris teaches at Holy Cross in the area of Practical Theology (Liturgics). He has been teaching there since 2005. His main research interests are the evolution of liturgical piety and its impact on Church architecture, iconography, and popular religion. He also concentrates his energies on the sacramental nature of the Church and how this must ultimately be based on the life of the Holy Trinity. His philosophy is that in spite of all transitory accretions, there is an unchanging theological core and vision in the life of the Church throughout the ages. His publications include “Neoplatonism, the Filioque and Photios’ Mystagogy in the Greek Orthodox Theological Review (2001), “The Phenomenon of Per Saltum Ordinations” in Gregorios Ho Palamas (2004) (in Greek) and his doctoral dissertation in the process of being published, “The Historical, Dogmatic and Canonical Significance of the Constantinopolitan Synod of 879-880.” 

When Father Zymaris is not teaching or leading Church service, you can find him with his wife, Presbytera Xenia, and their five children. His hobbies include reading about Literature and History, listening to music, and traveling.

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