Future of Our Parish Committee


Future of Our Parish Committee Ministry



This committee will develop a consensus vision and view of the future of our parish, to include stewardship, ministries, outreach, finances, and an execution roadmap to achieve these goals.

Committee Members

Zach Lemnios (co-Chair)
Jim Sperelakis (co-Chair)
Fr. Costin
Suzy Brown (Secretary)
Rick Brown
Bruce Beck
Jim Georgopoulos
Eric Hansen
Arthur Housianitis
John Housianitis
Joanna Tsiantas
Angela Tsopelas
Christos Patrinos
Marianna Toumbourou


  1. Transparent - Open meetings to encourage broad input with a shared drive for meeting minutes and to host data and material used in our deliberations.
  2. Representative and Inclusive – Encourage broad inclusive engagement across our community with respectfully accepted views, to include Parishioner interviews.
  3. Constructive and Actionable – Maintain the focus on the future of our community, how we see it and how we want to reach it.

Please reach out to Zach or Jim if you have thoughts you would like to share and stay tuned for more from this committee or send email to zlemnios@gmail.com .